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Showing 211 - 220 of 1525 results

  • Latest News

    Blog Events

    FAC joins with Santa Rosa Press Democrat to host Open Government candidates’ forum

    […] community, which a year earlier was rocked by the tragic shooting death of Andy Lopez, 13, by a Sonoma County Sheriff's Deputy, to hear candidates for city council answer tough questions on government openness and transparency, issues that have taken center stage in the community since the shooting. FAC Executive Director Peter Scheer led the discussion on how citizens […]

    October 16, 2014

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Does the CA legislature have an open meeting law?

    […] seems like neither the Brown Act nor Bagley-Keene applies to the CA legislature. What law governs the process through which the CA legislature, including committees, considers laws and informs the public of opportunity to comment at hearings. And are there laws that prevent a committee for adding a last-minute amendment (without notice) to a […]

    December 17, 2014

  • Latest News

    FAC News Press Release

    FAC Welcomes Two California Attorneys to Board of Directors

    […] we continue to expand our impact across California, and we couldn’t be more fortunate to have their expertise and energy as FAC continues to grow to meet new challenges," said FAC Executive Director David Snyder. Carl Douglas, of Douglas / Hicks Law, has practiced for more than four decades. His practice focuses on civil […]

    November 14, 2022

  • Latest News


    Using Trade Agreements As a Tool to Further Rights of Free Speech

    […] World Trade Organization, alleging that the country's heavy-handed Internet censorship violates world trading rules. The CFAC points to blocks placed on popular foreign websites—including Youtube and BBC news—that "are either deemed offensive by Chinese government censors, or are feared by the government as potential platforms for self-expression by Chinese citizens." The group adds that […]

    June 3, 2009

  • Latest News

    With news jobs vanishing, why are journalism schools still enrolling students?

    BY PETER SCHEER---As I read about the latest contractions in the newsroom of the New York Times (100 reporters and editors) and the San Francisco Chronicle (investigative reporting staff--gone), the question occurs: Why are universities across the country continuing to churn out journalism graduates? Do they know something that the rest of us don't? […]

    October 22, 2009

  • Latest News

    Rating the leading Presidential candidates on First Amendment issues. And the winner is . . .

    […] next few weeks, it's worth considering how the leading contenders compare in their commitment to First Amendment rights. All political leaders are champions of free speech and open-government--in a vacuum. The real question is how they would balance those principles against competing interests in decisions involving issues of national security, economic policy and the […]

    June 3, 2009

  • Latest News

    Advocacy Press Release

    Coalition Urges Huntington Beach City Council to Reject Proposed Book Ban

    […] of "content of a sexual nature." The resolution would also establish a "community parent/guardian review board" that would have veto power over the city library’s acquisition of new children’s books "containing any sexual writing, sexual references, sexual images and/or other sexual content." Such a ban on the acquisition of new material would be based […]

    October 17, 2023

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    School board closed session “under the guise of labor negotiations.”

    […] the guise of labor negotiations." The problem is, they haven't entered negotiations yet. At the same meeting that he made this statement, the trustees accepted the contract openers for two of the unions. To my knowledge there haven't been any formal negotiations, only anticipation of negotiations. The trustees do have "conference with labor negotiators" […]

    February 20, 2015

  • Latest News

    Cases Press Release

    Temecula Residents Sue School Board and its President for First Amendment and Brown Act Violations

    […] Amendment are a direct assault on free speech as the cornerstone of our democracy," said David Loy, legal director of the First Amendment Coalition. The board adopted new meeting conduct policies on August 9, 2023 that further enable Komrosky to continue violating the First Amendment. According to today’s lawsuit, the new policy deems "various […]

    December 22, 2023