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    Showing results for government bodies must comply brown act 54951 act90 54951 act 54951 act90 54951 54951 54951

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Closed meeting votes and the Brown Act

    Under the Brown Act, can a sitting city council conduct a secret vote (no public notification) whether to consider a legally filed candidate for a city commission appointment, and then, refuse to make public how each council member voted or how the tally went when they do appoint candidates to a commission?

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Workshops v. Special Meetings

    […] communications which contribute to the development of a concurrence as to action to be taken by the legislative body." The Brown Act: Open Meetings for Local Legislative Bodies, p. 12 (Cal.Atty General's Office 2003). Assuming such workshop constitutes a meeting for purposes of the Act, your next question is whether such workshop can be […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Can employment negotiations be held in closed session?

    I submitted your Brown Act template regarding a closed meeting. The city attorney response was that it was ok to meet secretly to discuss other terms and conditions of employment with representatives of  ".. .recognized employment organizations . . ." Government Code Section 3505.  Please clarify.

    August 1, 2011

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Public Official Event Attendance and Public Notice

    […] notified of the meeting or the proposed action.  I attended the meeting after receiving an email from a personal friend who over heard a conversation between the City Councilman's wife and the wife of the Mayor.  I believe this is at the very least an ethical breach if not a violation of the Brown Act.

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act First Amendment

    Public Comment at meetings, Campaigning, and Freedom of Speech

    It sounds like you are familiar with Section 54954.3 of the California Government Code (reproduced below), which provides that bodies subject to the Brown Act shall provide an opportunity for members of the public to address the body on items of interest to the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    How to file a Brown Act complaint

    […] action to enforce the Brown Act may be entitled to recover attorneys' fees. The details of this enforcement procedure are set out in Section 54960.1 of the Government Code. (see Text of the Brown Act). Again, it is not necessary that an attorney file any court action, although if you reach this stage with […]

    August 6, 2011

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Internal Decision-Making and the Brown Act

    […] was in regards to building a complex by the river that runs threw our town. We (the neighborhood) are opposed to the complex and the meeting was to address that. She told us it did not matter, and that it was going to pass anyway, despite of our complaints. Is that a Brown Act violation?

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Sign-in cards for public comment

    […] the meeting up for public comment at all nor do they ask for public comment on agendized items.  If someone wants to speak on an item, they must fill out a specially created "blue" card with their name, address, and what topic they want to speak on.  If you do not fill out a […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Brown Act and Homeowners Associations

    […] last night tried to videotape a meeting that I could not make, and security told her to stop and she complied. It is my understanding that the Brown Act applies to HOA's from this site, I believe. Is this true, did the HOA do something illegal last night in denying my wife access of […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Closed Sessions under the Brown Act

    […] a local district meets in closed session without any prior notification to the public. It makes a personnel decision during that closed session and announces it to the public. Question: Is the unannounced closed session meeting in accordance with Brown Act or any other law?  If not, what are the legal ramifications of that meeting?

    June 14, 2009