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Showing 1511 - 1520 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered


    City rules complainant names are always withheld

    […] name of a complainant against me in a Building Code Enforcement case. There Have been anonymous harassment events in my neighborhood that the complaint may be linked to. The agency declined to release the name,citing the 6255 catch-all provision in the city regulation that says the public interest clearly outweighs the release of complainant […]

    December 28, 2010

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Davis-Stirling Act

    […] a city which is unique because the Community Association (14,000 + members) encompasses the entire City. When the City was created it granted a number of functionalities and services normally provided by a City to the Property Owners Association. The Property Owners Association claims to be exempt from the Brown Act so does not […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Pages

    Terms of Service

    These Terms of Service govern your use of the First Amendment Coalition website and any First Amendment Coalition application programming interfaces, and other services offered by First Amendment Coalition, as well as services offered through third parties integrating First Amendment Coalition’s functionality. First Amendment Coalition or provides the Site and Services. refers to you […]

    July 8, 2024

  • Pages

    Planned Giving Legacy Society

    […] your charitable gifts have an impact on others. Perhaps you have considered a charitable legacy to continue your philanthropy beyond your lifetime, to have your family remembered, and your philanthropy is woven into the lives of others. With a legacy gift, you can. We invite you to make your philanthropy endure through a planned […]

    July 26, 2024

  • Latest News

    If the federal FOIA shared the limitations of California’s public records law, large parts of American history would be blank.

    […] the denial of requests for "investigative" or "security files" "compiled by any state or local police agency." Although there are exceptions for specific pieces of information (for example, name of person arrested, identities of witnesses, time and location of crime, etc.), the investigative records themselves are categorically unavailable to the public. And even the […]

    October 14, 2014

  • Asked and Answered


    Accessing the black hole of the CIA

    I am a reporter, and I have a question re: FOIA requests for CIA files. Specifically, I would like the employment records of a local mayor who says she was a CIA operative for 31 years.  But I'm worried that if I frame the request the wrong way, it will be denied, because I […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Latest News


    An Illicit Power-Grab And Usurpation Of State Sovereignty By The Bush Justice Department

    […] no doubt turning over in his grave. California, like the District of Columbia and every other state except Wyoming, has enacted a "Shield Law" to protect the news media's independence from government and to assure public access to information about wrongdoing in high places. (Memo to media: stay the hell out of Wyoming.) California's […]

    June 2, 2009

  • Latest News


    Police are wrong: Cop-cam videos must be released as public records

    […] writing their reports, confidentiality would once again be waived. So far this year, 20 people have been shot by the LAPD, 16 of them fatally, according to newspaper accounts. And as protests and unrest in L.A. and other cities attest, people want to see the objective evidence — the videos — in controversial cases. The default position […]

    October 6, 2016

  • Latest News

    Cases Press Release

    UCLA Turns Over Video of Contentious Event with Treasury Secretary After Public Records Requests Flood in

    […] Mnuchin’s "revoked his consent" for it to be shared publicly, but the school eventually gave in after a flood of public requests from the First Amendment Coalition and other groups. The moderated discussion with Mnuchin, hosted by the Burkle Center for International Relations at UCLA, took place on Feb. 26. During the event, audience […]

    March 12, 2018