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Showing 1481 - 1490 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered


    Can An Agency Charge CPRA Fees for Staff Time Spent on Request?

    […] the agency wanted to charge for time to fill the request. The request deals with agency emails. Can the agency charge for time sifting through the emails and redacting? "The cost comes into reviewing each message in time, not necessary reproducing either in 'hard copies' or soft. We pride ourselves in customer service and […]

    November 21, 2018

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Ad hoc committees under the Brown Act

    […] that does not have to allow the public to attend its meetings. In our city, these "ad hoc" council subcommittees often have special meetings with target groups and in essence end up being propaganda machines or special interest mechanisms. My question is at what political or length of time threshold (economic revitalization seems like […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Can A Public Official Interrupt A Speaker During Public Comment Time?

    I experienced an incident at a meeting of my county board of supervisors. Upon addressing the Board for my allotted three minutes, a district supervisor interrupted me, commenting about previous issues I'd raised about county agencies. I am of the understanding that Supervisors are not allowed to publicly comment on matters raised during the public comment […]

    May 30, 2018

  • Posts

    Press Rights

    FAC Letter to Cal Poly Regarding Mustang News Reporter’s Public Records Requests

    […] about this case here. On June 16, 2023, the First Amendment Coalition sent the following letter to California Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly) regarding its failure to comply with the California Public Records Act regarding five separate records requests by Elizabeth Wilson, a student journalist at Mustang News, the campus newspaper.

    April 23, 2024

  • Asked and Answered


    City Records–what does the CPRA say on security, period of retention, availability?

     I'm investigating a lax building code and the permitting procedures of my city's Building Department, for several specific examples. I have examples, where there is ongoing construction and periodic remodeling done, without original permits or follow up ! The remodeling is incremental but , the accumulation, of ad-on, over the years is substantial! The request was […]

    July 20, 2016

  • Posts

    First Amendment Press Rights

    FAC Joins Nationwide Coalition Condemning Police Attacks on Journalists

    The First Amendment Coalition signed a letter, along with 115 news and press freedom organizations, submitted today to Minnesota officials by the Reporters Committee to Freedom of the Press, condemning police use of force against journalists covering the protests and civil unrest in response to the police killing of George Floyd.  The letter emphasizes […]

    June 2, 2020

  • Asked and Answered


    CA Police Deny CPRA Request on Six-Month Old Case

    Made Request for records under 6257(f) as the "authorized representative"of a victim and police are claiming disclosure would "endanger successful completion" of six-month-old investigation. No objection re standing or anything else just the investigation exemption. They refuse to articulate how disclosure would endanger. Can't find any case law on this exemption.

    April 11, 2018

  • Asked and Answered


    Requesting tax information from a non-profit organization

    […] reporter currently working on a series of articles on a local nonprofit. I know that as a 501(c)3 nonprofits have to file financial information with the IRS and are required to show the 990 form to anyone who asks. As a journalist and member of the public, can I request financial information from the […]

    August 19, 2010