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Showing 1401 - 1410 of 1525 results

  • Asked and Answered

    School Records

    Educators’ Access to Student and Parent Complaints

    I am a public school educator.  When a parent and/or student makes a complaint (verbal or written), am I entitled to a copy of either the administration’s notes (if it was verbal) or the written complaint?

    June 14, 2009

  • Latest News

    Blog Cases

    FAC, EFF and Wired win unsealing of documents in hip-hop website seizure case

    […] Angeles has unsealed records related to a government shutdown of a music blog/website, Dajaz1.com, for suspicion of copyright piracy. The unsealing had been requested by FAC, Wired, and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Using a forfeiture authority usually invoked to seize cars and houses in drug cases, federal authorities had seized the hip hop website, […]

    May 16, 2012

  • Asked and Answered

    Court Records

    Accessing Court Records

    […] it. There is significant wrong doing in my case on the part of many. I have found evidence of altering of some court documents. I have an open investigation at Commission on Judicial performance. I have requested in writing from courthouse records a certified copy of my entire case file. 1 month went by […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    Removing Personal Information from Public Record

    Is there anyway that someone could remove my public records from being widely available on the internet? I feel uncomfortable about this and, believe it or not, this has taken a toll on my life. I am clean but I also like to keep my personal life private like those other people who never live […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Posts

    First Amendment Press Rights

    Purported Shasta County Media Policy Threatens Press Freedom, FAC Writes

    FAC sent this letter to the Shasta County Board of Supervisors opposing its purported "media policies and procedures" described in a press release issued on July 29. At best, these policies create confusion, and at worst, they run counter to the Ralph M. Brown Act and First Amendment and threaten the ability of journalists […]

    July 30, 2024

  • Latest News


    Newsgathering at CA polling places on election day

    […] about what reporters (and bloggers or other journalists) can and cannot do in the close proximity of polling places. Here's are the provisions of California law governing newsgathering activities at polling places while the polls are open: 18541. (a) No person shall, with the intent of dissuading another person from voting, within 100 feet […]

    June 2, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act

    Can a California City Council Cut Public Comment Time with No Notice Before Meeting?

    […] the best of my ability) relevant case law that allows for deviations from the Brown Act when there is a lengthy agenda, or where the city's Rules and Procedures outline that speakers can be given "up to" three minutes. But Rules and Regulations simply state that speakers will be given three minutes. So I […]

    August 26, 2020

  • Latest News


    Feedback from recent column, “Snowden Go Home”

    I recently wrote that Edward Snowden should return to the US and face trial for his revelations about NSA surveillance. ("Snowden Go Home"). The longer Snowden is a fugitive (particularly in Vladimir Putin's Russia), the harder it is to characterize his conduct--obtaining and disclosing classified records by the gigabyte--as an act of conscience. In […]

    August 15, 2014