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  • Posts

    First Amendment Press Rights

    Government Can’t Dictate Editorial Decisions, FAC Tells Brentwood City Council

    Members of the Brentwood City Council in Contra Costa County have proposed the city discuss a potential policy to require any news outlet that receive news releases or advertising dollars adopt a specific code of ethics. With the Society of Professional Journalists, Northern California Chapter, we told city leaders why this would be unconstitutional.

    July 23, 2024

  • Asked and Answered


    CA Police Deny CPRA Request on Six-Month Old Case

    Made Request for records under 6257(f) as the "authorized representative"of a victim and police are claiming disclosure would "endanger successful completion" of six-month-old investigation. No objection re standing or anything else just the investigation exemption. They refuse to articulate how disclosure would endanger. Can't find any case law on this exemption.

    April 11, 2018

  • Asked and Answered


    Requesting tax information from a non-profit organization

    […] reporter currently working on a series of articles on a local nonprofit. I know that as a 501(c)3 nonprofits have to file financial information with the IRS and are required to show the 990 form to anyone who asks. As a journalist and member of the public, can I request financial information from the […]

    August 19, 2010

  • Asked and Answered

    Court Records

    Accessing Closed Court Records: Authoring Book

    […] the telephone system -- you can think of them as the precursors to today's computer hackers.)  I am attempting to obtain a copy of a civil suit and supporting materials filed in Los Angeles Superior Court in 1975. I recently wrote to the clerk of the court to obtain a copy and was sent […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Latest News

    Blog FAC News

    FAC’s Duffy Carolan honored by journalists’ group

    […] San Francisco office of Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, is receiving the organization's "Legal Counsel" award in recognition of 20 years of successfully defending media clients, individual journalists and others in free speech, libel, and freedom of information cases. In a press release, SPJ said of Carolan: "As an attorney first with Crosby, Heafy, Roach […]

    February 15, 2011

  • Asked and Answered


    Can An Agency Charge Fees for Inspecting Public Records?

    […] you to inspect emails or get copies of emails based on Government Code section 6253.9(b)?  Are they allowed to use rule of cost to construct a record, and the cost of programming and computer services necessary to produce a copy of the record, for the charging of emails either to inspect them or get […]

    February 26, 2018

  • Asked and Answered

    CPRA Police Records

    Police claims officer ‘use of force’ reports personnel not public issue

    We are a police monitoring and accountability organization. For awhile we have been concerned about police use of force; where it is occurring and under what circumstances, and which officers are involved. We have twice asked for this information from the Police Department. Once, for several years worth of reports, which were denied to […]

    July 8, 2011

  • Asked and Answered


    Access to coroner’s report

    My question is to what elements of a coroner's report to we have access?

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered


    City Wrongly Applying “Deliberative Process Exemption” To Requested Records

    The City administration is wrongfully terminating employees as punishment for asking for disability retirement. I am a victim. They are withholding emails by wrongfully applying the deliberative process exemption to protect themselves from lawsuit for the wrongful termination. I have written proof. I have contacted this agency once before using this form but never […]

    February 9, 2018