Search Results for: electronic records – Page 13

Telcos losing ground in attempts to withhold records of their lobbying government in warrantless spying case

A federal district judge ruled September 24 that the government had to release the names of telecom employees who lobbied the Justice Department and White House to legislation to grant them legal immunity in their warrantless spying on American citizens. The White House is appealing the decision. -DB Wired October 8, 2009 By Ryan Singel AT&T was the first of many telcos sued for helping the NSA spy on Americans without warrants The Department of

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Suit asks for records concerning warrantless searches of travelers’ laptops

The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a Freedom of Information lawsuit in federal court to obtain records pertaining to the immigration and border policy of routinely searching traveler’s laptops. -DB Congress Daily August 26, 2009 The American Civil Liberties Union wants federal government records pertaining to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s policy of searching travelers’ laptops without suspicion of wrongdoing. The watchdog group filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit Wednesday in a New

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Foundation sues for records of illegal acts of intelligence agencies

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has filed suit in federal court to force the CIA and other government agencies to disclose reports on possible violations of the law by intelligence agencies during the Bush administration. -DB Electronic Frontier Foundation July 22, 2009 Press Release SAN FRANCISCO – The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) filed suit today against the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and a half-dozen other federal agencies involved in intelligence gathering, demanding the immediate release of reports

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Text-Messaging Public Records

Text-Messaging Public Records Q: I read in the SF Examiner that Mayor Newsom has refused to turn over Hawaii-based communications related to his conversations re: the Busan oil spill.  He claims that the phone records and text messages are not public record because he used his personal iPhone and has not submitted a request for reimbursement from the City. I have checked the Sunshine Law, Brown Act and CA Public Records Act and can find

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Destruction of Public Records

Destruction of Public Records Q: I’m a real estate attorney who is also a volunteer at a school district. Here is my immediate dilemma in a nutshell: Last night, the School Board acted on an agenda item to cease recording future closed sessions of their governing board. When the question was raised as to what would become of the existing audio tapes of closed sessions, the Board President announced that they would be immediately destroyed

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