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Showing 121 - 130 of 1525 results

  • Latest News


    Everyone Hates Julian Assange—Except For That Time They Used to Love Him

    […] majorities reject it—it is so far outside the norm that ordinary politics will almost certainly persecute it. Assange’s massive, wholesale leaks have by and large been eminently newsworthy and revelatory—and, it must be said, irresponsible in scope and content. Wikileaks has been criticized for failing to exercise editorial judgment, needlessly exposing innocent victims like […]

    December 15, 2018

  • Asked and Answered

    First Amendment

    Are words chosen for tombstone protected speech or can a Public Cemetery District censor them?

    […] district has adopted a policy (which I objected too) of requiring that monument makers first submit to the cemetery district manager the verbiage and artwork for any new benches, monuments, or headstones to gain approval before the cutting or sandblasting of the monument can begin. I ran into this rule headlong today when I […]

    October 4, 2011

  • Posts

    Press Rights

    FAC Condemns Sacramento Police Department’s Flawed Media Policy

    A national coalition of media organizations today joins forces to condemn a new media policy from the Sacramento Police Department. The policy, produced by the Department in the wake of the wrongful detention of working journalists reporting on a protest over the death of Stephon Clark, does nothing to prevent the recurrence of such […]

    July 23, 2020

  • Latest News

    Brown signs anti-sunshine bill, setting up 1st Amdt battle. Do labor rights trump democracy?

    […] transparency law. Local governments that adopt measures to shed light on collective bargaining with their unions—-and only those local governments—- will be subject, under the law, to new requirements for outside contracting that are so onerous, inflexible and costly that affected cities and counties won’t be able to function. Accordingly, they will have no […]

    October 27, 2015

  • Latest News

    To force the paparazzi to clean up their act, turn the cameras on them

    Don’t pass new laws to try to curb the abuses of paparazzi. By Peter Scheer You know summer is here when hordes of paparazzi descend, locust-like, on southern California beaches, angering locals as they pursue money-shots of sun-tanning celebrities---while politicians, seeing an opportunity for self-promotion, promise new laws to tame the unruly photogs. It […]

    June 3, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act CPRA

    Copies of Tapes for Public Record Requests

    […] since the secretary plans to reuse the tapes and not to preserve them, that they simply give me the original tape and I will give them a new tape of the same type and quality. That will satisfy my request for an audio tape of the meetings, and the Hospital will have a new […]

    June 14, 2009

  • Asked and Answered

    Brown Act First Amendment Newsgathering

    When is it okay to videotape a meeting?

    I'm a local news stringer. I attended a community meeting. Did I have a legal right to videotape this meeting? Were my rights violated? Or was I in the wrong?

    December 5, 2010

  • Latest News


    Supreme Court’s much-maligned First Amendment decision will, in fact, expand freedom of speech

    Prediction: The Citizens United holding dooms IRS curbs on political advocacy by "dot-org" news media and other nonprofits. BY PETER SCHEER---Forty-six years ago, the Supreme Court announced its decision in New York Times v. Sullivan, rewriting centuries of "common law" on libel and defamation, in order to boost constitutional protection for criticism of government […]

    April 5, 2010

  • Latest News

    FAC News Press Release

    FAC Gets $100K Boost from Craig Newmark Philanthropies

    […] efforts to make governments at all levels more transparent and accountable to the people The First Amendment Coalition is pleased to announce a $100,000 gift from Craig Newmark Philanthropies to boost the nonprofit’s work advancing government transparency, free speech and a free press. The gift supports all of FAC’s programs, including training and advocacy […]

    August 24, 2021