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Wired.com Editor Hansen elected president of FAC board; media attorney Melamed is VP; Gingras, of Google, joins Board.

April 19, 2012

Evan Hansen, Editor in Chief, Wired.comThe First Amendment Coalition is pleased to announce that Wired.com Editor in Chief Evan Hansen has been elected President of FAC’s board of directors. He takes over from John Raess,  San Francisco Bureau Chief for the Associated Press, who had served as President of the Board since 2010.

Carol Melamed, media attorney and former counsel to the Washington Post, has been Carol Melamed, Media Attorneyelected Vice President of the FAC board of directors.  She and Hansen will serve two-year terms as officers of the board.

Richard Gingras, head of news products for GoogleFAC is also delighted to announce that Richard Gingras, of Google, has joined the board. Gingras, recently named head of news products for Google, has spent nearly 30 years in online publishing, software development and new media. Prior to joining Google, Gingras was CEO of Salon Media Group which operates the news site Salon.com.

Hansen joined Wired.com in 2005. Since then the online magazine has been honored for journalistic excellence on several occasions,  including back-to-back honors in 2007 and 2008 for innovation in journalism from the Knight Batten foundation.  In 2010, Hansen founded Haiti Rewired, a community site committed to exploring the use of technology in Haiti’s recovery.

Carol Melamed joined FAC’s board in 2011,  not long after moving to the Bay Area from Washington, DC, where she was a lawyer at The Washington Post for 27 years. From 1995 until her retirement in 2006, she was Vice President, Government Affairs at the Washington Post.