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Now Let Us Praise a Famous Man: Rich McKee, 1949-2011

April 27, 2011 Peter Scheer

 width=Richard P. McKee, who died this week at age 62, was indefatigable in his advocacy of open government and participatory democracy in California. Co-founder of Calaware and a former Board member and Board President of this organization, Rich cast a big shadow in the world of people committed to shining light on government decision-making in California.  But he cast an even bigger shadow among city councils, school districts and boards of supervisors that had made the mistake of disregarding Rich’s demands that they abide by the letter and spirit of state open meeting laws.

Through his relentless campaign of challenges, demands and (when necessary) litigation, Rich forced a generation of recalcitrant government officials, especially in southern California,  to do more of their deliberating in public. And in the process he gave many, many citizens a real voice in their local government.  It is a fine legacy.

For more about Rich McKee, we recommend the obituary in today’s Los Angeles Times. Follow this link.