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Martin Reynolds and Nate Cardozo Join FAC’s Board of Directors

July 5, 2017

The First Amendment Coalition is delighted to announce the appointment of two new members to its Board of Directors: Martin Reynolds, director of Reveal Investigative Fellowships at the Center for Investigative Reporting and Co-Executive Director of The Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism Education; and Nate Cardozo, Senior Staff Attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Martin G. ReynoldsReynolds, a seasoned journalist, co-founded Oakland Voices, a community storytelling project that trains residents to serve as community correspondents. Prior to his roles at the Center for Investigative Reporting and the Maynard Institute, Reynolds was senior editor for community engagement and training for Bay Area News Group and served as editor-in-chief of The Oakland Tribune between 2008-2011.

 width=Cardozo, an attorney and expert on legal issues at the intersection of technology and civil liberties, litigates cases involving digital surveillance, malware, wiretapping and other issues.  Nate has also worked extensively on cases involving the federal Freedom of Information Act, and manages EFF’s “Who Has Your Back” report, which “scores” tech companies of all sizes and shapes on how they advocate for their users in the face of government requests for data via subpoenas, National Security Letters and the like.

“We are extremely fortunate to have Nate and Martin joining our Board,” said Carol Melamed, president of FAC’s Board of Directors.  “They each bring a wealth of experience and connections in the journalism and technology worlds, and will be a huge boon to FAC at this exciting time in the organization’s history.”

Reynolds and Cardozo were unanimously elected to FAC’s board earlier this year