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LA Times veteran Jim Newton joins FAC board

August 24, 2012

LA Times editor Jim Newton joins FAC boardWe are pleased to announce that Jim Newton, editor at large of the Los Angeles Times, has joined the FAC board of directors.

He serves as a member of The Times’ editorial board, advises on editorial matters and writes and edits for the editorial page and Op-Ed, including a weekly column examining the policy and politics of Southern California. Previously, he served as editor of the editorial pages, supervising the editorial board and overseeing its work as well as the Op-Ed page, Sunday Opinion and letters to the editor.

A 20-year veteran of the Los Angeles Times, Newton worked as a reporter, editor and bureau chief.  He was part of the Los Angeles Times’ coverage of the Los Angeles riots in 1992 and the earthquake of 1994, both of which were awarded Pulitzer Prizes.

Newton also serves as a senior fellow with UCLA’s School of Public Affairs, and is the author of  two highly acclaimed biographies,  “Justice for All: Earl Warren and the Nation He Made,” and “Eisenhower: The White House Years.”