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How we are battling government secrecy

May 21, 2020 David Snyder

A letter from Executive Director David Snyder

In response to COVID-19, many government agencies have moved to close off public and press access to their inner workings.

The government’s urgent need to protect public health, however, should not and cannot come at the expense of the public’s right to know.

And so FAC is working harder than ever. In the past few months we have:

  • Led a coalition to push back hard against courts that shut the public out of proceedings, unnecessarily and contrary to the First Amendment;
  • Revamped our live programming to provide webinars giving crucial information and tips about how to get government records and attend public meetings amid this unprecedented crisis and;
  • Responded to a surge in queries on our free Legal Hotline from journalists, educators, advocates and others.

You can follow this work and find resources on ournew dedicated webpage.

We can’t do all of this without your help. Please make a donation today to help us carry on this crucial fight for a free press, free speech, and the public’s right to know.

Give now, and your gift will also be doubled by the FAC board up to a total of $80K.

Please donate now.

Thank you so very much for standing with FAC.

David Snyder, Executive Director