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FAC’s Peter Scheer to speak at May 8 public records litigation seminar

April 26, 2013

Legal Seminar on Public Records LitigationWhat are the practical steps that citizens and media should take before bringing a lawsuit in a public records case? This question will be the focus of discussion for FAC Executive Director Peter Scheer and other top government-access legal specialists participating in the Public Records Act Litigation Seminar, Wed., May 8 in San Francisco.

The seminar is designed for public and private attorneys who handle denials of citizen and media public records requests and public officials responsible for managing public records.  The expert panelists will present the unique procedural issues of bringing and defending PRA suits in light of the growing trend of citizens submitting public record requests and suing when the request is denied.

Other topics to be discussed include: The friction at the intersection of the California’s PRA and Privacy Law; how government agencies can handle sensitive, proprietary business with contractors; how agencies can handle serial and continuing requests, and the public lawyer’s duty under the PRA.

The Seminar, co-hosted by attorneys Karl Olson of Ram, Olson, Cereghino and Kopczynski, and John T. Kennedy of Nossamn, LLP, will feature speakers from Bryan Cave, LLP, Davis, Wright Tremaine, LLP, California’s Aware and the Contra Cost Times.

For more information on the seminar visit Law Seminars International