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FAC Seeks Nominations for 2017 Free Speech & Open Government Award

September 7, 2017

The First Amendment Coalition is soliciting nominees for the FAC Free Speech & Open Government Award, given each year for performance of exemplary work in the arena of open government.

Qualifications for the award are outstanding accomplishment, service or other contributions to “the people’s right to know” about government. The winner, or winners, could be a journalist, blogger, lawyer, news organization (print or digital), software developer or community activist. We wish to recognize an individual or institution whose actions deserve public honor and emulation for their advancement of government transparency.

Areas vital in the struggle for open government are access to public meetings, public records, the courts, government data; defense of citizens’ right to speak; defense of journalists’ rights; and defense of the right to “blow the whistle” and alert the public to government misconduct and other matters of common concern.

The First Amendment Coalition Award will be accompanied by a $1,000 prize and will be presented at th​​​e 140th Annual Winter Meeting of the California Press Foundation, Nov. 30th, in San Francisco.

Please send nominations, supported by links to online documents or written materials such as letters and newspaper clippings to explain the nature of the performance, service or activity to be saluted, its context and its consequences. Self-nominations are encouraged. (Don’t be shy!)

Address nominations to: First Amendment Coalition, 534 4th Street, Suite B, San Rafael, CA 94901 or email award@facelementor.wpengine.com.

Deadline for nominations, covering work produced in the previous 12 months, is Oct. 30, 2017.

Visit Free Speech & Government Transparency Award Winners to learn more about award recipients from previous years.