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FAC Partners with Artists United to Provide Legal Help to Artists Nationwide

October 11, 2017

The First Amendment Coalition is pleased to announce a partnership with Artists United to provide AU members – artists working in all media across the nation – with legal help on First Amendment issues through FAC’s Legal Hotline service.

The Legal Hotline is a legal consultation service available on FAC’s website. Users submit legal questions using FAC’s online form. The questions are answered by lawyers—all experts in First Amendment and media law—at Bryan Cave, a national law firm. Their answers, delivered by email, cover questions about freedom of speech, freedom-of-information, access to court proceedings, and related First Amendment matters.

The Legal Hotline is a free service, underwritten by FAC’s donors. Under the new arrangement between AU and FAC, AU members will not only receive the service free, but they will have priority access to the Hotline’s lawyers—the same priority given to FAC’s members.

Artists United is a nonprofit organization comprised of more than 13,000 artists of every medium to share and exchange knowledge and embrace new ways of working together. Headquartered in Oakland, California, AU’s network and reach are worldwide.

“We are delighted to be embarking on this partnership,” said FAC executive director David Snyder. “The expressive rights of artists are essential in these trying political times, and FAC is grateful to be able to provide legal support for those rights.”

For more information, please contact Alex Wyllie, Communications Manager for Artists United at alexandria@artistsunited.net or Clara Hogan, Communications and Program Director at chogan@firstamendmentcoalition.org.