Diversity statements may dampen free expression

In a May 19, 2024 editorial, The Washington Post reports that top universities are beginning to question the wisdom of requiring job candidates to submit statements of how they would advance diversity, equity and inclusion. While the goals of achieving inclusive universities are still vital, requiring the statements may lead candidates to engage in “performative dishonesty” and result in “self-censorship and ideological policing.”

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California open government roundup: Los Angeles seeks reversal of public records settlement

A local journalist settled a California Public Records lawsuit with the City of Los Angeles to obtain head shots of police officers only to find himself the subject of a counter lawsuit claiming that providing the records was in error and that the photos included undercover officers. (Reason, April 30, 2024, by Arvind Dilawar) The Ukiah city manager ended public discussion abut the fate of the landmark Palace Hotel, noting that the discussion was not

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Treating journalism like highways may save the industry

Jonathan D. Cohen and James Fallows in The Hill, May 14, 2024, argue that with the decline of the news industry, the U.S. losing one third of its newspapers along with 43,000 jobs in the last 20 years, the industry can be revived not with a bailout but with policy changes that treat journalism like infrastructure, “…journalism needs to be treated more like critical infrastructure. Highways, museums, libraries, courts, public-safety agencies, the military, advanced research

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Supreme court to face conflict over restricting abortion and free speech

Linda Greenhouse in The New York Times, May 17, 2024, speculates about the Supreme Court”s position on state laws that prohibit providing information about where to get an abortion. The court recently struck down a California law requiring anti-abortion clinics to provide information on where women could get abortions. The court called it unconstitutional compelled speech. Now it could soon rule on whether it can be illegal to give abortion-related advice. Greenhouse says, “…the justices

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