Homeland Security still conducting disinformation initiative

Despite the criticism bombarding the Department of Homeland Security in April over its new board to combat lies and its subsequent scuttling of the board, the department is still tracking false information and pressuring social media companies to remove it. (Reason, October 31, 2022, by Joe Lancaster) The Editorial Board of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 2, 2022, urges the Biden administration to stop the practice to end the affront to “liberty and free speech.” The

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Federal court rules South Dakota ballot law violates free speech

The Eighth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals blocked enforcement of a South Dakota law requiring ballot petition workers to disclose their personal identification information. Judge Steven Grasz wrote that disclosure would be “chilling” and the law a violation of the First Amendment. The law was seen as an impediment to the initiative process as a pro choice-group plans a campaign to put a constitutional amendment on the 2024 ballot. (Rapid City Journal, November 1, 2022,

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Reporter decries state of First Amendment

Tech reporter Adi Robertson of The Verge, November 2, 2022, sees the First Amendment endangered with politicians attacking speech laws. The advent of the internet created new circumstances that defy easy regulation, and lawmakers and judges are gutting the First Amendment in their attempts to address the problems. “…the internet allows people to speak to each other at a scale unprecedented in human history,” says Robertson. “The shortcomings and tradeoffs of the laws governing that

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California law to penalize doctors for bad information on COVID-19

California just passed a law that would punish doctors for spreading misinformation to patients about COVID-19. They define misinformation as “false information that is contradicted by contemporary scientific consensus contrary to the standard of care.” Some doctors argue that with something as evolving and unknown as a virus, there are plenty of legitimate differences of opinion about the best practices. Others think that the law only focuses on “extreme deviation from scientific standards of care

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Musk indicates moderation not over

Elon Musk said he would form a policy advisory body made up of those with “diverse viewpoints” to oversee decisions on content moderation. Any decisions about restoring the account of former President Donal Trump will have to wait. In the meantime, Musk made decisions to allow at least one controversial person back on Twitter. Twitter already had an advisory council in place. (TechCrunch, October 28, 2022, by Taylor Hatmaker) Just before taking over Twitter, Musk

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