Finland targets lies as U.S. ponders problem

Finland has initiated curriculum to teach students how to identify false information and ranks first among European countries for resilience against misinformation. Students begin their education on media literacy starting in preschool. (The New York Times, January 10, 2023, by Jenny Gross) Joshua Benton in NiemanLab, January 10, 2023, says a close look at lies in the media show that they mostly reach those already misinformed. He cites an article by Paul Renfro of Florida

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West Virginia: Report on state abuse of disabled results in retaliation on reporter

After doing a sterling job of investigating reports of abuse of those with intellectual disabilities by the West Virginia health care system, West Virginia Public Broadcasting fired Amelia Ferrell Knisely. Apparently, a state official pressured the station’s leaders remove her from her position. (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, January 9, 2023, by The Editorial Board) Knisely investigated an advocacy group’s allegations that the state was “patient dumping” or “warehousing patients” who should not be institutionalized. Shortly after the

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Black WSJ reporter arrested after interviewing in front of bank

After Dion Rabouin, a black Wall Street Journal reporter, was detained while interviewing outside a Phoenix bank in November, the police department is undertaking an investigation of the matter. Journal editor-in-chief Matt Murray wrote to the department, “I am relieved that Mr. Rabouin’s interaction with Phoenix police officers ended peacefully, but I am appalled and concerned that officers at your department would attempt to interfere with Mr. Rabouin’s constitutional right to engage in journalism and

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Federal appeals court finds abortion buffer zone unconstitutional

The Sixth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals dismantled the buffer zone around an abortion clinic in Louisville, Kentucky with their ruling that the zone suppressed speech. The appeals panel suggested police increase penalties for those obstructing entrance to the clinic or add patrols to curb harassment. (Courthouse News Service, December 21, 2022, by Dave Byrnes) The panel ruled that a 10-foot buffer zone was blocking free speech since the plaintiffs Sisters for Life provided compassionate “sidewalk

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Conservatives fly with news of Twitter/FBI censorship

Oliver Darcy of CNN Business, December 20, 2022, argues that new Twitter owner Elon Musk made misleading claims about Twitter collusion with the FBI. Musk tweeted that the FBI paid Twitter $3..4 million to censor information. In actuality, says Darcy, Twitter collected money for work on information requests from the FBI that had nothing to do with censorship or content moderation. Nonetheless, the conservative media is headlining news of the Twitter/FBI relationship. First Amendment litigator

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