EFF files brief on Biden quest for role in content moderation on social media

The Electronic Frontier Foundation filed a brief urging the Supreme Court to clarify the role of government over the issue of coercing social media companies to censor content in violation of the First Amendment. EFF Director David Greene says, “Government co-option of content moderation systems is a serious threat to freedom of speech, but there are clearly times when it is permissible, appropriate, and even good public policy for government agencies and officials to inform,

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Alarming online rise in AI-generated false news

Armed with artificial intelligence, anyone can create false news, resulting in a flood of content on the internet often in the guise of factual articles but spreading lies about election, war and disaster. A website called NewsGuard found over 600 AI-generated news and information sites on the internet, an increase of 1000% since last May. (The Washington Post, December 17, 2023, by Pranshu Verma) It will be some time before the public can be alerted

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Dhaliwal v. Komrosky

Two Temecula residents sued the Temecula Valley Unified School District, its Board of Trustees, and its president, Joseph Komrosky, for violating their rights under the First Amendment and California law by ejecting them from school board meetings without cause.

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