SPJ announces Madison Award winners

NORCAL chapter winners include Chauncey Bailey Project The Society of Professional Journalists Northern California chapter will honor champions of the First Amendment at the 23rd Annual James Madison Awards. Honorees include Dan Noyes, co-founder of the Berkeley-based Center for Investigative Reporting, whose lifetime commitment to in-depth journalism has garnered him the Norwin S. Yoffie Award for Career Achievement. The innovative performing arts instruction of Cliff Mayotte, a teacher at San Francisco’s Lick-Wilmerding High School, will

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UCSF, in reversal, releases audit report on medical school finances

UCSF last month forced out the Dean of the medical school, David Kessler, over a dispute about internal finances. At the time of Kessler’s dismissal, the university declined to give Kessler, or to make public, a financial audit conducted by an outside and independent auditing firm, KPMG. The university said it was bound by a confidentiality agreement with the auditor, notwithstanding that the report normally would be viewed as a public record. On Monday, however,

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Readers dispute Scheer's 1st Amendment assessment of Prez candidates

-What about flag burning? Paul Harris, professor at New College of Law, points out that Hillary Clinton, in 2005, co-sponsored federal legislation barring the burning of the American flag in circumstances intended to “intimidate” (or some such). He’s right. This was certainly not one of Hillery’s finer moments.-PS =============== -Specifics please -Obama anecdote I dunno, is there really nothing SPECIFIC that you can point to with respect to each of the candidates’ positions on free

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Court to Kucinich: No right to debate, even if sponsor breaks promise to include you

The Nevada Supreme Court, in an affirmation of the media’s editorial prerogative, ruled last week that MSNBC was free to exclude candidate Dennis Kucinich from a presidential debate that was ultimately limited to Democrat frontrunners Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards. MSNBC, the debate’s sponsor, had promised to include Kucinich, but later changed its mind and disinvited him. Kucinich claimed he had a contract and MSNBC breached it. The Supreme Court, reversing the trial

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