Portantino bill seeks to quietly reverse 2 pro-access Supreme Court decisions

An amendment to a bill seeks to push police salary and other basic information about officers back out of public view. The bill comes on the heels of two state Supreme Court rulings last year finding that salaries and other basic information about police officers are indeed public records. AB 1855, authored by Assemblyman Anthony J. Portantino, D-La Canada Flintridge, would declare that the salaries of police officers as well as their badge numbers and

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Scheer appointed to Bench Bar Media committee

Chief Justice Ronald M. George has announced the formation of a committee of judges, lawyers and journalists–including CFAC’s executive director, Peter Scheer–to promote improved relations among the courts, the Bar and the media. Here is a press release from the Judicial Council: Chief Justice George Names Bench Bar Media Steering Committee San Francisco—Chief Justice Ronald M. George today announced the appointment of the Judicial Council’s Bench Bar Media Steering Committee, a panel that will help

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For Sunshine Week, CFAC to lead LA discussion on national security and 1st Amendment

Discussion on Open Government will follow L.A. Theatre Works March 13 Production of Pentagon Papers Docudrama California First Amendment Coalition Director Peter Scheer to Lead Panel Washington — Sunshine Week will host a discussion on open government and secrecy issues following a Thursday, March 13, L.A. Theatre Works production of “Top Secret: The Battle for the Pentagon Papers” in Los Angeles. The dialogue will be led by Peter Scheer, executive director of the California First

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CFAC protests new legislation curbing access to government mapping data

CFAC today registered its opposition to legislation that seeks to vest in local and state governments monopoly control over real estate data used in digital mapping systems. The legislation, AB 1978, submitted by Assembly member Jose Solorio (D-Orange County), would exempt from the California Public Records Act the basemap data essential for many local applications of digital mapping or “geographic information systems” (GIS). This exclusion would free local governments–Orange County included–to restrict access to the

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Bank that shuttered wikileaks withdraws lawsuit

The Swiss bank that succeeded temporarily in shutting down wikileaks.org has decided to withdraw its federal court lawsuit against the whistleblower website. The Julius Baer Bank on Wednesday entered a voluntary dismissal of its suit, “without prejudice”–meaning that the bank is keeping open the option of refiling the same suit in another court. The bank acted following a hearing last week in which federal District Judge Jeffrey White ruled that its suit faced major First

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