How to test website from behind "Great Firewall"

How to test website from behind “Great Firewall”, a commercial server and website testing service, has a tool you can use to test the accessibility, from behind China’s “Great Firewall,” of a specific website. The tool not only shows whether a site is blocked, but also compares load times from an internet connection inside China and selected connections outside China. Here’s the page on websitepulse.

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CFAC Excutive Director Discusses China's Internet Censorship on Radio

CFAC’s Executive Director, Peter Scheer, discusses China’s internet censorship on KALW in a program produced by New American Media. Scheer also talks about CFAC’s petition to the US Trade Representative to bring a case against China to the WTO, alleging that China’s censorship is a violation of free trade. Hear the radio interview here.

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Documentary about blacklisted screenwriter opening in LA on June 27th

Documentary about blacklisted screenwriter, Dalton Trumbo, opening in Los Angeles on June 27th, and following in Pasadena and Encino on July 4th, San Francisco on August 15th. ‘TRUMBO’ is a unique film that tells the story of screenwriter Dalton Trumbo, one of the Hollywood 10 who was subpoenaed 1947 by the Committee on Un-American Activities, but would not be intimidated by the witch hunt. Trumbo refused to answer whether or not he was a member

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Unanimous Supreme Court OKs duplicative FOIA suit

The Supreme Court ruled today in a federal FOIA case that a person contesting an agency’s denial of a record request may file his own suit for disclosure, even though he seeks the very same records that the agency denied in a prior case in which the agency prevailed in court. The case is Taylor v. Sturgell. Here is the text of the Court’s opinion. -PS

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