University disciplines student for sending political message on school email system

A student leader at Michigan State University is facing disciplinary action for using the faculty e-mail network to protest a change in the academic calendar. Students says the emails are protected speech. School says they’re spam. -DB Cnet News December 5, 2008 By Declan McCullagh Most schools encourage students to become active in campus politics. Not Michigan State University, which has filed disciplinary charges against a student leader who sent e-mail criticizing an abbreviated fall

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High percentage of decisions to classify federal records are questionable, oversight agency says

The Information Security Oversight Office reviewed 1,000 classified documents last year, finding that 25 percent of the classification decisions were “questionable.” Moreover, it said in its report to the president, 67 percent of the classification guides used by agencies had not been updated in at least five years. – DR Secrecy News 1/14/2008 “At a time where we would expect to find increasing stability in the [national security classification] program, we are instead finding failure

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North County refuses to release report on investigation of ethics complaint

North San Diego County officials, while claiming that an internal investigation rejects a whistleblower’s claims of ethics abuses, refuse to release the report of the investigation. An article in the North County Times says the county asserts the report is covered by the attorney-client privilege.-PS North County Times January 13, 2009 By EDWARD SIFUENTES The county reprimanded several employees and revised its ethics policies on accepting gifts after investigating a complaint from a whistleblower filed

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Second libel suit filed against the web site Yelp

A Foster City dentist has sued two people and Yelp, which allows users to post online reviews of products and services. The dentist asserts that negative comments about her work were “lies.” A previous suit related to a Yelp review of a San Francisco chiropractor has been settled. Details were not disclosed. – DR Dentist sues over negative Yelp review Deborah Gage, Chronicle Staff Writer Tuesday, January 13, 2009 (01-12) 18:37 PST — A pediatric

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NJ Governor needn't release emails to ex-girlfriend, court rules

A New Jersey appeals court backs Governor Corzine’s refusal to disclose 2007 emails between himself and union leader (and ex-girlfriend). The court says the governor’s “executive privilege” trumps the disclosure requirements of New Jersey’s FOI law, according to this report from Bloomberg.-PS By Terrence Dopp Jan. 12 (Bloomberg) — E-mails between New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine and a labor leader he once dated need not be made public, a state appellate court ruled. “I am

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