Sheriff files suit to shut down Craigslist’s erotic services

The Cook County, Illinois sheriff wants to close down Craigslist’s adult section for promoting prostitution. Free speech defenders point out that a federal judge has already ruled that Web sites are not responsible for content posted by third parties. -DB Wall Street Journal Blogs March 6, 2009 By Geoffrey A. Fowler Craigslist, the online classifieds juggernaut, has run afoul of authorities once again, over the ads in its adult section. On Thursday, the sheriff in

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Federal judge reneges on allowing live internet coverage

After discovering a 1996 Judicial Council ban on photos, radio and TV coverage of court proceedings, a U.S. district court judge backed off her decision to allow live Internet streaming of a music piracy case. -DB The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press March 5, 2009 By Ahnalese Rushmann A federal judge who said she would allow live Internet streaming of a court proceeding in a file-sharing case may be preparing to back off

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Texting daughter in town council meeting a violation of Brown Act?

When a Calistogan city council member tried to secretly text his 10-year-old daughter good night, a fellow council member accused him of violating state open meeting laws. –DB Weekly Calistogan March 9, 2009 By Jesse Duarte Political fireworks erupted in a confrontation between two members of the Calistoga City Council at the close of Tuesday night’s council meeting. The tension began earlier in the meeting when Council Member Gary Kraus had interrupted the proceedings to

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Secret meeting allegation causes school board to revisit decision to lay off teachers

After voting to increase class sizes and cut teachers, three members of a Vista, California school board met with teachers union leaders at a private residence sparking complaints of open government violations. -DB North County Times March 6, 2009 by Stacy Brandt VISTA —- A complaint filed Friday accuses three Vista Unified School District trustees of violating state open meetings laws, then voting to reverse an earlier board decision to increase class sizes. The accusation

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American Bar Association appears to have changed position on sealing some criminal records

After a 2007 vote by members to reject a resolution to limit access to records of criminal cases with no convictions, the American Bar Association may now abandon efforts to keep the records sealed. -DB The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press By Hannah Bergman March 4, 2009 WASHINGTON, D.C. – At a discussion Tuesday on Capitol Hill of crime policies, including how to improve the odds of successful reentry for felons leaving prison,

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