Transparency taking hold in Pentagon

In a reversal of Pentagon practice since 9/11, the United States Air Force has published the names and telephone numbers of key personnel. –DB Secrecy Federation of American Scientists March 19, 2009 The United States Air Force has published a detailed organizational chart of its headquarters (pdf) including the names and telephone numbers of key personnel. What makes this of more than passing interest is that it represents a departure from the post-9/11 Pentagon practice

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Web sites offer information on banks receiving bailout

American University’s School of Communications has collaborated with to provide information to gauge the financial viability of banks receiving government bailouts. -DB The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press March 18, 2009 By Hannah Bergmann The Investigative Reporting Workshop at American University’s School of Communications just launched a new tool that makes it easier to check up on the health of banks receiving government bailout funds. The project, in partnership with, uses

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California in lower half of states in posting data online

Half of all states post more government information online than California according to a survey by media outlets. State agencies said that Caifornia’s size and its massive amounts of information made it difficult to post online. -DB The Sacramento Bee March 15, 2009 By Phillip Reese SACRAMENTO – In North Carolina, residents can go to a government Web site and instantly look up the safety record of any child day care facility in the state.

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Pomona College recognizes free speech rights of pro-life students

Two pro-life students conducting an orderly challenge to the ideas of a Planned Parenthood representative were banned from campus. Protests of their treatment led Pomona to lift the ban in recognition of laws guaranteeing free speech rights that students would enjoy off campus. -DB CalAware Today March 12, 2009 FREE SPEECH — After strong protest from students, faculty and alumni, Pomona College has withdrawn its ban of two pro-life students from campus, imposed last week

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Brew session after council meeting fogs up open government

A newspaper editor trying to relax after a tough day runs into most of the Willows City Council and some staff at a local watering hole. The editor suggests that one way out of the perception of Brown Act violations would be for the council to post adequate public notice and order up more pitchers. -DB Sun-Herald March 13, 2009 By Michael S. Green So a week ago Tuesday I’m at The Last Stand in

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