Global press freedom loses ground in 2008

According to a study by the non-profit Freedom House, only 17 percent of the world enjoys a free press and the trend is for a continuing decline. -DB The Epoch Times June 3, 2009 By Ivailo Anguelov The freedom of the press continues to decline and the environment in which journalists work is deteriorating in every corner of the world, shows a recent study by the Washington, D.C.-based non-profit organization Freedom House. Out of the

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Colleges try to stifle student advocacy of right to bear arms on campus

Concerned about preventing gun violence on campus, some college administrators are censoring student speech that protests the banning of guns on campus. -DB FOX NEWS June 04, 2009 By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos WASHINGTON, D.C. – The First Amendment guarantees Americans the right to free speech. The Second Amendment guarantees the right to possess firearms. Now the first two clauses in the Bill of Rights have come together in an ongoing debate over the right of

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Doctor tries to suppress unfavorable website critiques

A doctor has created forms for patients to sign prohibiting them from rating their doctors online. Critics are saying a better remedy for reckless speech is more speech. -DB ABA Journal June 2009 By Leslie A. Gordon Once consumer websites began rating everything from restaurants to dog groomers, it was only a matter of time before doctors found their care and bedside manner critiqued online. As many as 40 websites, including Zagat, Angie’s List and

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Pelosi orders Congressional expense reports put online

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wants Congressional expense reports online so citizens can track member spending. OMB Watch blogger Roger Strother says if it’s done right, it could improve transparency. -DB OMB Watch Commentary June 4, 2009 By Roger Strother On June 3, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ordered the House’s administrative manager to put Congressional quarterly expense reports online as soon as possible. These reports, traditionally available only in the form of three-volume bound sets, contain

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Federal judge dismisses domestic spying suits against telecoms

A federal judge ruled that telecoms enjoyed immunity from suits for their participation in warrantless wiretapping. The EFF and the ACLU plan to appeal the decision saying the immunity granted by Congress is unconstitutional. -DB Electronic Frontier Foundation Press Release June 3, 2009 SAN FRANCISCO – A federal judge today dismissed dozens of lawsuits over illegal domestic surveillance of American citizens, ruling that telecommunications companies had immunity from liability under the controversial FISA Amendments Act

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