Livermore City Council clams ‘quasi-judicial’ exemption in closing meeting on development plan

A former newspaper editor and publisher says ‘balderdash” to a city attorney’s justification in closing a crucial meeting on a 35-unit development in Livermore. -DB Contra Costa Times Commentary June 7, 2009 By Tim Hunt THE LIVERMORE City Council and its legal advisers have been playing fast and loose with the state’s open meeting act. The council met in closed session on April 13 to discuss strategy for its hostile annexation of the Hilliker Place

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Hartnell College students claim Brown Act violations in axing of animal-health program

Students in a animal-health program claim the program was eliminated after an incomplete investigation and that the Hartnell College Board of Trustees failed to post notice of their meetings on the topic and destroyed their notes of the meetings. The District Attorney is investigating whether the Brown Act applies in this case. -DB Salinas Californian June 5, 2009 By Leslie Griffey Animal-health students are rebelling against a proposal to cut their Hartnell College program. The

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A&A: Access to government officials’ email on personal account

QUESTION: Suppose a public official advises certain persons to communicate with him at home — either by email or letter — in order to avoid having to disclose any of those communications as public records under the California Public Records Act? Would those records, in fact, be exempt from the PRA? ANSWER: I am not aware of any law that would prohibit a public official from using his home address or personal e-mail account to

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A&A: On access to government officials’ appointment calendars

QUESTION: I requested calendar appointments of the Superintendent  for my district. He refused saying they were exempt from the Public Records Act pursuant to Govt. Code 6254(a) and (k) and 6255, as they relate to the “deliberative process.” However, I understand that the agency must clearly explain not merely state why the public interest does not favor disclosure. (Times Mirror v. Superior CT.) I responded with codes 6253(a) They’ve also postponed other records past the

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San Jose withholds 911 tape of police shooting

The San Jose Mercury News is asking the police to release a 911 tape of the fatal shooting of Daniel Pham, but a city council committee voted to withhold the tape until after a grand jury investigation. -DB San Jose Mercury News June 4, 2009 By Sean Webby and Lisa Fernandez For now, San Jose police won’t be forced to release the 911 audiotapes documenting the fatal police shooting of a knife-wielding man last month,

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