80 Ops. Cal. Atty. Gen. 308 School Superintendent Hiring Committee Not Subject to Open Meeting Law (1997)

Office of the Attorney General State of California 80 Ops. Cal. Atty. Gen. 308 Opinion No. 97-414 November 10, 1997 THE HONORABLE MIKE THOMPSON MEMBER OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE THE HONORABLE MIKE THOMPSON, MEMBER OF THE CALIFORNIA STATE SENATE, has requested an opinion on the following question: Where the board of trustees of a school district has formed a committee, known as the district liaison council, consisting of eight representatives from the community, seven

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AG Opinion #98-901 Senior Citizen Property Tax Exemptions Subject to Disclosure (1998)

TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE OFFICIAL REPORTS OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL State of California DANIEL E. LUNGREN Attorney General ______________________________________ DANIEL E. LUNGREN Attorney General CLAYTON P. ROCHE Deputy Attorney General ______________________________________________________________________ THE HONORABLE THOMAS F. CASEY, III, COUNTY COUNSEL, SAN MATEO COUNTY, has requested an opinion on the following question: Are claims for senior citizens’ exemptions from assessment of a parcel tax levied by a school district subject to inspection by members of

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Senator urges Senate role in declassifying documents

Senator urges Senate role in declassifying documents Holding that the public is being misled about the abusive interrogations of terrorists, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-Rhode Island) says that it is imperative to release documents to the public. That will not be done, he says, while the executive branch has a monopoly on the declassification process. -DB Secrecy Federation of American Scientists June 10, 2009 The public has been significantly misled and misinformed concerning the practice of

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Army reverses ban on social networking sits

Army reverses ban on social networking sits Whereas the Army used such sites as Facebook, Flickr, Delicious and Vimeo as venues for stories about the troops, the subjects of the stories, regular army personnel, were not allowed on the sites using military networks. This changed in May through an order from the Signal Brigade. -DB Wired June 10, 2009 By Noah Shachtman The Army has ordered its network managers to give soldiers access to social

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‘Back Door Wiretap’ the target of federal suit

‘Back Door Wiretap’ the target of federal suit The Electronic Frontier Foundation and other civil liberties groups are seeking a ruling protecting e-mail against government seizure without warrant. -DB Electronic Frontier Foundation Press Release June 11, 2009 Cincinnati – The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and other civil liberties groups filed an amicus brief in Warshak v. United States urging the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Wednesday to hold that the government’s seizure of email

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