A&A: JPA’s (Joint Powers Act entities) and the Brown Act

JPA’s (Joint Powers Act entities) and the Brown Act Q: School Districts within the County formed a co-operative entity (JPA) under the Joint Powers Act to pool resources regarding special education including litigation, legislation, training and “establishing criteria for determining the key issues involved in special education including the principal areas in need of systemic change.”  A majority of the superintendents constitutes a quorum.  Question: Can a majority of the superintendents hold closed meetings where

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A&A: Homeowner’s Association, the Brown Act, and tape recording

Homeowner’s Association, the Brown Act, and tape recording Q: My senior homeowner’s association board prohibits members from tape recording board meetings.  I tried today, they asked me to leave, and they called the police. I stated “I will exercise my right under California law to record meeting”. Police would not take any action in civil matter.  The board adjourned meeting for two weeks. The board says they are not subject to the Brown Act.  An

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A&A: Emergency agenda items and proper notice requirements

Emergency agenda items and proper notice requirements Q: My first question is: What is the correct procedure for adding an “emergency” item to a city Council agenda? Recently, a City Council added an “emergency” closed session to its agenda to discuss “anticipated litigation” without any motions or votes. My second question is about anticipated litigation: Must it be described in some fashion when it’s added? A: It is unclear from the information you submitted in

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A&A: Denying public comment

Denying public comment Q: Can a City Council deny public comment on an agendized item?  At the start of a Council meeting, the Mayor told the many people present they might speak on any item on the agenda when it came up. When under Administrative Items, there was an item reconsidering a certain program but the Mayor would allow no comment.  Although no mention was made of the qualifications on the item in back-up papers

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A&A: How to cure and correct an improper action

How to cure and correct an improper action Q: A Commission had four email transmissions between a majority of its members prior to its meeting this week, of which I have copies. The City Attorney found out what was happening and told them to stop it since they were violating the Brown Act, but the meeting went forward anyway. How do we best proceed to get their decision undone? A: Assuming the meeting was held

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