A&A: Informal Meetings and the Brown Act

Informal Meetings and the Brown Act Q: I understand that the Brown Act prohibits a majority of a Board of Supervisors from meeting together illegally.  However, can one supervisor discuss an issue with another two or more other supervisors on a personal, informal basis, one at a time? A: The Brown Act defines a “meeting” as “a congregation of a majority of the members of a legislative body at the same time and place to

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A&A: Special meeting and the Brown Act

Special meeting and the Brown Act Q: The Brown Act reads in part Section 54954.3 of education code: “Every notice for a special meeting shall provide an opportunity for members of the public to directly address the legislative body concerning any item that has been described in the notice for the meeting before or during consideration of that item.” I have argued with the Secretary of the Oakland School Board that when the Brown Act

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A&A: Personal attacks in public meetings

Personal attacks in public meetings Q: In a closed session meeting, under The Brown Act, do the normal rules of order and decorum apply? We have a situation where some board members feel they can viciously and personally attack other members of the board with impunity. As this is a closed session, they feel that nothing can be done. A: The only provision in the Brown Act concerning disorderly conduct is found in section 54957.9. 

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A&A: Times of public meetings

Times of public meetings Q: Is there a time constraint on the scheduling of public meetings?  My issue: can a City Council start a Study Session on a hot topic at 10 PM on a weeknight, effectively limiting the participation of people who must work the next day? A: The first issue that must be addressed is whether the study session you reference constitutes a meeting for purposes of the Brown Act.  The Brown Act

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A&A: Describing a closed session

Describing a closed session Q: Is a school district obligated to describe the closed session subject in language understandable to the lay person? A: Government Code section 54954.2(a) provides that at least 72 hours prior to a regular meeting, the body must post an agenda containing a brief general description of each item to be discussed or transacted at the meeting, including items to be discussed in closed session. A “brief general description,” as the

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