A&A: Lawsuits Among School Trustees

Lawsuits Among School Trustees Q: I cover the School District, which has just been sued by one of its trustees on allegations of civil rights violations and harassment. The board of trustees held a closed session on the litigation on Tuesday night and I received an anonymous tip that this trustees was asked to leave the closed session so that the other trustees could discuss strategy to defend the district against this lawsuit. He refused

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A&A: Closed Sessions of City Council Meetings

Closed Sessions of City Council Meetings Q: Where I live, the city council has the closed session portion of the meeting first.  This leads the public to believe things on the agenda are being voted on and the decision is made on the item, before the public has the opportunity to comment on the item. Is this legal i.e. holding closed session first?  If this is not legal, what California laws were violated? A: The Brown

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A&A: Special Districts: County Water District

Special Districts: County Water District Q: Gov. Code Sect. 25120 gives requirements for notice and hearings for a Board of Supv. to pass or amend a ordinance.   What about a special district, i.e. a county water district? A: Govt. Code Section 25120 provides only that “[t]he enacting clause of all ordinances of the board of supervisors shall be as follows: ‘The Board of Supervisors of the County of _____ ordains as follows.’” Special districts are

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A&A: Recording publics comments in board minutes

Recording publics comments in board minutes Q: To what extent must a public district board include in their monthly board of directors meeting minutes, which are available to the public, verbatim or synopsized comments made by the public at the prior month’s public board meeting? Can a district board elect not to include any or all such public comments from board minutes? Also, must letters addressed to the board from the public be included in

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A&A: Continuance of Public Hearings

Continuance of Public Hearings Q: We will be heading to City Council to complain about the unfair treatment of our case tonight. Our group and 200+ residents have been battling a pending project in our area for about 2 years. We are frustrated by the City’s actions regarding 7 consecutive continuances they’ve approved for the City Council hearing. We’ve checked the City Council bylaws and the County supervisor’s bylaws but can not seem to find

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