Forcing public official to attend Brown Act training

Forcing public official to attend Brown Act training Q: 1) Is there provision or precedent for a board to participate as a body in “training” to achieve more well-established and mutual awareness of respective authorities (and/or lack thereof), parliamentary procedure & protocol – in general, to learn how to “play well together?” 2) Is there provision or precedent for a majority of directors to discuss construction of an agenda (content, order, etc.) prior to a

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A&A: Sign-in cards for public comment

Sign-in cards for public comment Q: I have been asking my local school district board to provide for public comments during the school board meetings.  Previously attendees had to fill out a speaker card, give it to the superintendent.  Their question would be answered within three days at which time they would receive a phone call from the district.  The board finally aquiessed to my requests and threats to sue.  However, the change, I believe,

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A&A: Dealing with a cure and correct notice in a closed session

Dealing with a cure and correct notice in a closed session Q: The school board I am a member received a cure and correct challenge regarding an action taken in closed session to dismiss an employee.  The cure and correct involves whether proper notice was given for the meeting.  The president and superintendent have placed the response to the cure and correct claim on next week’s agenda.  They are saying it is a closed session

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A&A: Council gerrymandering and the Brown Act

Council gerrymandering and the Brown Act Q: I live in the small desert town.  The Brown Act does not seem to make it to this part of California.  Members of the council poll each other and make decisions before the council meeting, any item they deem goes to closed session and no report of what happened is ever given to the public.  Who is responsible to make sure closed session items are in accordance with

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A&A: Secret Ballots

Secret Ballots Q: Is it legal for a school board to fill a vacancy on the board with a secret vote? Is this addressed in the Brown Act and if so, where? A: The Brown Act prohibits action by secret ballot.  See Gov. Code § 54953(c).  Although the Brown Act authorizes a closed session to discuss the appointment of a public employee, the legislative body must publicly report any action taken in closed session at

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