A&A: Do Other Cities Have Sunshine Ordinance Task Forces as San Francisco Does?

Q: Are there other task forces like the San Francisco Sunshine Task Force in other jurisdictions? A: Each municipality’s Sunshine Laws, if they have them, are unique, although they often inspire each other.  If you are facing an access issue in a particular area, it is probably best to determine whether the local government has enacted a Sunshine or Open Government Ordinance first.  Then, determine if there is a Task Force or another special appeals

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A&A: How Does the Police Bill of Rights Affect Transparency and Policing Reform?

Q: Help me understand the Police Bill of Rights and how these laws impact transparency and constitutional policing reform. A: In 1976, California adopted “the Public Safety Officers Procedural Bill of Rights Act,” Govt. Code § 3300-13, which provides peace officers with certain substantive and procedural protections. Perhaps most significantly, the Act establishes limits on how officers may be questioned, investigated, and disciplined. Such laws have been criticized for making it excessively difficult to discipline

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A&A: How does the Brown Act Apply to ‘Ad Hoc’ Versus ‘Standing’ Committees?

Q: Please explain how the Brown Act applies to “ad hoc” versus “standing” committees of municipal government-appointed commissions. As a threshold matter, California’s Ralph M. Brown Act applies to any committee of a legislative body that is empowered to make decisions, rather than simply advise.  It is only advisory committees that may be exempt from the Brown Act. See Gov. Code section 54952(a)-(b). As to advisory committees, the Brown Act applies to “standing committees,” but not to “ad hoc

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College First Amendment roundup: Lawsuits filed to stop Florida free speech survey

A federal district judge found some grounds for a First Amendment challenge of a new Florida law mandating annual surveys of political beliefs at public colleges, passed by conservative lawmakers to ensure “freedom and viewpoint diversity.” (24 News, April 12, 2022, by Zachary Rogers) Drake Brignac in the Reveille, April 14, 2022, claims that when the Louisiana State University student Election Commission struck the F— word from the name of a ticket, they were striking

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Conservatives parrot Russian propaganda on Ukraine

Experts on information manipulation found that some American right wing politicians and media hosts are bonding with Russia in promoting lies about the invasion of Ukraine. “A feedback loop between the Kremlin and parts of the American right has been palpable since the war’s start in February,” writes Peter Stone, “which Moscow falsely labeled as a ‘special military operation’ aimed at stopping ‘genocide’ of Russians in Ukraine and ‘denazification’ – two patently bogus charges that

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