Shelton v. Napa Valley Unified School District

On May 8, 2024, the First Amendment Coalition filed a motion to intervene in Shelton v. Napa Valley Unified School District, a “reverse CPRA” lawsuit that seeks to prevent the release of public records regarding a former public school teacher’s alleged sexual abuse of students. A reverse CPRA lawsuit seeks to prevent a government agency from releasing records in response to a California Public Records Act (CPRA) request. Reverse CPRA lawsuits are often brought by

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Moderation urged in dealing with pro-Palestinian protests

Meg Little Reilly of the University of Vermont in Forbes, April 30, 2024, urges universities to refrain from extreme actions to curtail pro-Palestinian protests. Over 1,000 protesters have been arrested forcefully. “Responses to students should be tailored to match the energy level and actions of the crowd,” writes Reilly, “If a few individuals are behaving in a dangerous or threatening manner, broad action should not be taken against the crowd when those individuals can be

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Net neutrality back but faces difficult challenges

The Federal Communications Commission restored Obama-era net neutrality aimed by preventing broadband providers like Verizon or Comcast from blocking or slowing down service to competitors like Netflix or YouTube. The rules make broadband similar to a utility regulated like phones and water. Free speech advocates favor net neutrality as vital to preserving access to the internet. (The New York Times, April 25, 2024, by Cecilia Kang) Eva Dou in The Washington Post, April 25, 2024,

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