Asked & Answered

A&A: Does the CPRA cover CA Energy Commission applicants?

Q: Tricky CPRA question regarding photos taken during a study undertaken by an an applicant for a California Energy Commission license. The company submitted a report, but CEC staff had many questions, and wanted photos, notes, data from the study, and to speak with the biologist who conducted it; staff requested a subpoena for the data and to have him appear at a workshop. The biologist appeared at the workshop and the applicant submitted the

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A&A: When is a non-profit board subject to the Brown Act?

Q: I am Chief of Staff at a hospital that is part of a nationwide health care service, and an ex officio member of the hospital Board. Hospital executives have twice dismissed me from the Board room while they conducted official business in my absence. (I am the only Board member not appointed by the parent company, and I oppose some of their plans). The parent organization states this is legal, and also that they

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A&A: Redevelopment Agency becomes “private corporation” not covered by Brown Act?

Q: Two years, ago, our city manager created a private, non-profit corporation in an effort to replace the city’s soon-to-be defunct redevelopment agency. The CEO is an Asst. City Manager and the Board of Directors are comprised of former city council members and other on various city commissions, etc. Plus, the RCDC uses city planning and other staff for its meetings,etc. Citizens have repeatedly asked for information pertaining to the business they are conducting, but

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A&A: Can criminal background checks on county candidates be kept confidential?

Q: The County Board of Supervisors announced it will conduct a criminal and financial background check on the individual it selects to fill an open elected position for the clerk-recorder/registrar of voters. The county manager and county counsel say the results of these checks will not be public documents pursuant to the penal code which bars release of this information to individuals ineligible to receive such information. They also cite AB2410 by Fuentes, a law

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A&A: Accessing reports on police officer involved shooting

Q: For the last few weeks, I’ve been investigating an officer-involved shooting:  Needless to say, there are ton of issues involved here, but I keep running into walls finding documents because of the Peace Officer’s Bill of Rights here in Calif.  I wondered if you could give me a call for a few minutes and chat about some background and what information I may or may not be entitled to. A: Here is detailed information

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