Asked & Answered

A&A: Charter schools and the CPRA

Q: I submitted a CPRA to the Charter School my child attends. I attached a table of 36 sets of board meeting minutes that were either completely missing from the school’s webpage, or were incomplete draft versions. These missing minutes span three years. The minutes that are missing surround major events that took place such as controversial board member resignations, votes to amend bylaws, votes that involved irregular activities and potential conflicts of interest and self-dealing.

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A&A: Why did one county deny a PRA request that most others quickly fulfill?

Q: I am trying to request information on a backflow test device report forms from each city in the county. Many cities have already complied however a few are citing the code 6254.16 in the CPRA because the backflow device usually has a meter connected and is over seen by the water or public works department in each city. My understanding of section 6254.16 is exempting personal home addresses and phone numbers. The forms I

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A&A: Are confidential marriage certificate applications accessible under the CPRA?

Q: I am trying to get information on a marriage that that occurred in October of last year. The marriage is a confidential marriage and I cannot obtain a copy because I am not one of the two married parties. My question is: Is the marriage certificate application public? A: Section 511(a) of California’s Family Code provides that: the county clerk shall maintain confidential marriage certificates filed pursuant to Section 506 as permanent records which shall

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A&A: Can city business hide behind attorney/client privilege?

Q: I am trying to investigate reports that a city councilman in one of the cities I cover has driven the city car recklessly or under the influence of alcohol. Sources tell me that the city manager notified city council members via email of a complaint filed by a citizen that this council member cut him off in traffic, made a vulgar hand gesture and used obscene language while driving the city vehicle. I made

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A&A: Using CPRA to learn rules governing Resort Improvement District #1

Q: A large part of my community is being harassed by a local agency known as a Resort Improvement District #1. By law they are supposed to maintain the power lines, water and sewers. They do a lot more than that though. They want to be the police here and field and investigate complaints. They have humiliated me and others at board meetings as they discuss who their victims will be. They have called the

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