Asked & Answered

A&A: Brown Act rules for scheduling a meeting

Q: Can a majority of members of a body (city council) discuss the logistics (when and where) of scheduling a meeting, including the topic but no content, outside of an official meeting? My thought is yes because no information is exchanged, only the logistics. A: As I believe you are aware, the Brown Act, at Govt. Code section 54952.2, defines “meetings” to include “any congregation of a majority of the members of a legislative body at the same

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A&A: What are the rules regarding free speech and highway signage?

Q: Our organization is the primary voice working in opposition against a state plan that we believe will have terrible environmental and economic consequences. Our members throughout the region display our signs, but Caltrans removed the signs from private property citing Business and and Professions Code 5405.3. The CalTrans Supervisor said to us and several supporters that if people do not move the signs 660 feet from the public right of way that they can

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A&A: Personal privacy exemption for public college dean

Q: I am reporting on a public college’s dean who appears to spend a lot of university money on luxurious travel. I requested phone bills from her publicly funded-phone because I heard she often calls the kennel where she boards her dog from international locales from that phone. I got the phone bills but all the phone numbers were redacted citing California Government Code §6254(c); Cal. Civil Code §1798.42. I am looking for some guidance

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A&A: May I request to have agendas mailed to me?

Q: Can I request to have an agenda mailed to me at the time of posting?  And what is the time frame? A: The Brown Act provides that: “[a]ny person may request that a copy of the agenda, or a copy of all the documents constituting the agenda packet, of any meeting of a legislative body be mailed to that person. . . . Upon receipt of the written request, the legislative body or its

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A&A: How can I gain access to my UC police records?

Q: I am seeking to obtain my records from the University of CA. (1) I received the following response to my request for supplemental records to two police reports. An attorney who specializes in FOIA requests advised that the following language may not constitute a legitimate denial to my records requests. He advised me to seek out someone who specializes in the CPRA and the IPA. The denial from the UC records management office reads

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