Asked & Answered

A&A: How can I stop city from violating Brown Act during budget meetings?

Q: The city is having a budget meeting. The printed budget is over 500 pages and is divided into department sections. The Mayor prohibits public comment by department, instead he only permits public comment at the end of each day’s meetings, and then the public is limited to three minutes. I believe this is a Brown Act violation because each department should be considered a seperate agenda item. Am I correct. A: Under the Brown Act’s public

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A&A: Facebook community target of a self-proclaimed “troll army”

Q: I am aware that this may not be a First Amendment issue due to the fact that it concerns private citizens and a privately-held company. However, I would welcome any help you may be able to give me. I belonged to a Facebook community that became a target of a self-proclaimed “troll army” which exists solely to silence opposing viewpoints. They do this by encouraging all members to report pages and posts they don’t

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A&A: CHP said I could view dashboard video, but all my requests have been denied

Q: What can I do if CHP does not honor my right to see public records? A CHP officer crashed near me while I was pulled over (engine off) on the shoulder of a highway in California. He seemed under the influence of something and wrote me a simple speeding ticket, although I was parked on the side of the road. Then I had to wait an hour until his supervisor arrived to question me

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A&A: Taping of public charter school meetings curtailed by corporate owners

Q: I am  the parent of a child attending a public charter school. About a year ago when transparency appeared to be an issue, parents started to videotape school board meetings.  Currently two parents videotape the  board meetings using handheld cameras. No disturbance is made. Tapes are not edited and are posted on a Facebook page that is open to all. At a recent  board meeting, the CEO of the corporation that operates the public charter school announced that in

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A&A: Is there an open meeting law that covers the CA legislature?

Q: It seems like neither the Brown Act nor Bagley-Keene applies to the California legislature. What law governs the process through which the state legislature, including committees, considers laws and informs the public of opportunity to comment at hearings. And are there laws that prevent a committee for adding a last-minute amendment (without notice) to a bill that has little connection to the original bill? Thank you! A: You are correct that neither the Brown Act nor Bagley-Keene Act

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