Asked & Answered

A&A: FOIA request California State Parks internal investigation

Q: Last summer the nonprofit on whose behalf I am writing alleged that California State Parks had misappropriated $45,000 of restricted grant money. In October, State Parks conducted an internal investigation that exonerated the agency. State Parks has refused to release the investigator’s report, citing personnel issues. Can you advise us on how to file a FOIA request to get the report? A: I am sorry that your nonprofit is having trouble getting hold of

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A&A: Charter schools and the Brown Act

Q: I’m writing a piece about charter school transparency requirements and want to make sure I understand the requirements for them to be subject to the Brown Act. Looking at A&A about charters it looks like a publicly-funded charter school is not subject to the Brown Act if there is no one on the governing board of the LLC or non-profit appointed by the funding agency (such as the Los Angeles Unified School District.) A: The Brown Act,

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A&A: Do we have the right to exercise 1st Amendment rights on shopping mall properties?

Q: I need to know if freedom of expression is a first amendment right on shopping mall properties They all tell me they are private property.  How can they be private property with the public running all over it? I thought the law federal and state says first amendment can’t be restricted in any way restriction deprives us of our right to free speech. A: Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to your question.  Generally, the First Amendment applies only to government actors,

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A&A: How long are routine County surveillance records archived?

Q: I have been fighting a speeding ticket for over the past year. After an initial failed CPRA request, I was able to retrieve dash-cam footage of the incident. However, upon review the County sent me footage from the wrong incident. The data that indicates the date and time of the footage was left out, perhaps intentionally. I am still attempting to retrieve the proper footage to pursue my case. Do you know how long

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A&A: Parent’s email complaint entered as a public comment by school site council

Q: I am a member of our School Site Council. During a recent public comment period, our chairperson read aloud an email that contained a detailed complaint (disclosing the names of a staff member and the emailer’s child – neither of whom were present). Is it the case that we are obligated under the Brown Act to hear the full text of all emails directed to us as public comments, whether or not our committee

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