Asked & Answered

A&A: Animal shelter won’t disclose contact info on local cat trapper

Q: Our local county animal shelter take trapped cats from the public. Sometimes the cats that are trapped belong to others. As a cat rescue, we attempt to identify situations like this, and seek to return them to their owner. In a recent incident, the trapping person refused to give the address where the cat was trapped. We would like to talk to the trapper and see if we can resolve the situation before the cat

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A&A: Written public comment not read as promised before City Council vote taken

Q: I submitted a written public comments to an agenda item because I could not attend a Special Meeting of the City Council. The City Clerk acknowledged that they had been received and would be read into the record during public comment time period for the specific item. This did not happen and the vote was taken on the item. After the vote was taken the City Clerk stated that she had forgotten to read the submitted

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A&A: Using the CPRA to access list of alcoholic beverage licensees

Q: As a non-profit primarily focused on educating alcoholic beverage licensees about the dangers of drinking, we need to know how we can obtain the list of all alcoholic beverage licensees in California so that we can organize and carry out an educational campaign. We are wondering whether you could provide some insight as to whether business email addresses which are provided to the ABC-California by alcoholic beverage license applicants are subject to disclosure under the provisions of

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A&A: Could this act of intimidation be a Brown Act violation?

Q: I attended the board meeting of the Waterworks District. During the meeting an agenda item came up for two job descriptions relating to the person who currently holds those positions. There were comments made by an ex-board member and another member of the public concerning this problem. One board member in particular had a very abrasive response to these comments. To break the dialogue, she asked for a 10-minute recess. At this point she pulled her phone out and called

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A&A: Covered CA contracts exempt from PRA

Q: I thought it odd that contract negotiations with the CA health care exchange are exempt from PRA. Seems like some shady stuff is going on there. Here’s their legal response: We cannot release the proposal or the scorecards, as they are exempt from disclosure under California Government Code 100508. We can release the final contract, if you would like. Please let us know what we can do. A: Under the California Public Records Act, public

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