Asked & Answered

A&A: Agency terminates audio recording of meetings without notice

Q: A local agency just reformed and it started to audio record it meetings and make them available to the public. I obtain one for a missed meeting. Then skipped a meeting, relying on the availability of the recording, only to be told afterwards, that the staff person did not record the meeting on direction of one of the members. I would like to see them continue. Brown Act relevancy? [su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#be322a”

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A&A: Are cast ballots public records?

Q:  Are cast ballots considered public records under the CPRA? These do not contain readily identifiable information as to whose ballot they are, if that matters. We are looking to request cast ballots in San Diego County that have had the Presidential candidate section redacted. [su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#0eedf6″ color=”#0b0707″ size=”5″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”0″ desc=”Click Here!” class=”div { font-size:x-small; }”]Have a Public Records question? Ask our free Legal Hotline.[/su_button] A: I could not find any

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A&A: My PRA request denied, but Buzzfeed published documents on similar case

Q: In 2014, I was working as a pharmacist for a temp agency that sent me to a District Hospital for three months. This hospital had many issues, and I tried to fix some of them. After I left, a CBOP inspector (a specially trained pharmacist) investigated the hospital pharmacy. In December of 2015, I received a letter from the CBOP citing me for a total of $5000. I was advised by my attorney that since it is a government

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A&A: Can I use information revealed in closed session, or is it privileged?

Q: I have been an adjunct prof at a local Junior College for 20 years. When a student  was prevented from passing out constitutions on Constitution Day, I publicly criticized the Administration. They retaliated by giving me a terrible teaching evaluation and by forbidding me to use my own writings in my classes. In response, I filed two whistle-blower complaints against the Community College District and several of its employees. Immediately, the District unlawfully retaliated by threatening

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A&A: Reporter seeks access to court proceedings involving police personnel records

Q: I am covering an ongoing issue with a law enforcement officer whose cases are being hit with multiple Pitchess and Brady motions due to reported manufacturing of evidence on search warrants (for one). It looks like the judges will be moving any live testimony into chambers and I am looking for a way to legally challenge in camera proceedings. A: It is unclear whether the proceedings you are covering are civil or criminal, but

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