Asked & Answered

A&A: Is a school caretakers’s security camera subject to CPRA?

Q: In this case, the caretaker has a contract with a local school district to provide security services on the school premises. The security cameras are attached to the caretakers mobile home, which is on school property. Are the camera’s subject to CPRA? [su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#f5ef4a” color=”#0b0707″ size=”5″ wide=”yes” center=”yes” radius=”0″ desc=”Click Here!” class=”div { font-size:x-small; }”]Did you find what you were looking for? Ask our Legal Hotline for help![/su_button] A: Under the California

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A&A: Board member shared confidential information after closed session

Q: I am an Associate Director at my charter school. I was recently informed by my Board that my contract will not be renewed for the next school year. This is an amicable separation and I am finishing out the school year. However, within a week of this decision, made and executed during a closed session, I learned from two different reliable sources that two Board members had shared this decision with at least three different

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A&A: Brown Act violations in closed session real-property negotiations

Q: The City Council on held a real property negotiation in closed session without meeting the requirement to disclose the party being negotiated with. This has occurred three times before, and was recorded by me on June 1. I want to delay the sale of the properties being negotiated. I need to know how to use the “Cure and Correct” action to cause the Council to have to invalidate the property sale. I am not sure

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A&A: PRA request denied for correspondence related to reports

A: Three reports were recently accepted by City staff and posted on the City website. Reports were identified as independent analyses of effects of proposed commercial sports facilities. My request for written correspondence between City staff and companies that prepared reports was denied. Will you be able to advise me as to how to proceed further to access this information? I can provide email advising me of denial of requested info. [su_button url=”” target=”blank” style=”flat” background=”#2a5abe” color=”#0b0707″

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A&A: Strategic question regarding a large PRA request

Q: My non-profit organization intends to request a large number of public records from the California Department of Health Care Services. At this point, our questions are strategic. For example: are we likely to make more progress with a reluctant government agency by a series of requests, none of which is, in itself, unduly burdensome? Or are we likely to make faster progress by asking for everything we want and, when we are refused, starting the litigation process

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