Asked & Answered

A&A: Requests for crime reports denied by police department

Q:  I am a reporter, and I’ve been having trouble obtaining crime reports from our local police department. I’ve requested crime reports twice and both times I’m told that they are being withheld because of Government Code section 6254(f). To be clear, one time I requested all crime reports that had been filed over a month period. The second time, I requested the reports for three specific crimes. Both times, the office cited section 6254(f).

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A&A: How do I enforce my right under the CPRA to inspect records?

Q: I have submitted via fax a Public Records Act Request to a California healthcare district hospital that is a local government entity. The district responded to one request on the PRA but not to the request to inspect the Department of Respiratory Therapy Policy and Procedures Manual. (The title of the manual was found in a Board of Directors meeting agenda. ) Over ten days have elapsed with no response to this request and no

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A&A: What meetings are governed by CA Proposition 54?

Q:  Does CA Proposition 54 cover bodies like county Human Rights Commissions? Mine is trying to say that they are exempt from the requirement to make an audio recording of meetings because: “The Commission doesn’t have the power to vote or passing laws.” I’m told they are just an advisory group to the Board of Supervisors but their agendas are full of action items which are acted upon. A:  My understanding is that Prop. 54 only applies

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A&A: is there a deadline for filing suit over denial of requested records?

Q:  Is there a deadline to file a writ or to initiate litigation upon the denial of a CPRA request? A:   The Public Records Act (“PRA”) does not provide for a statute of limitations for filing suit to enforce the provisions of the Act, and unfortunately it is not clear whether other general limitations periods provided for in the Code of Civil Procedure would apply to the PRA.  If you feel you have exhausted efforts to

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A&A: What rules must public meetings follow regarding agendas and notice?

Q:  I chair the Citizens’ Advisory Committee to the Water District Board. A member of the public attends and harasses the Board accusing them of not following precisely Robert’s Rules of Order at District noticed and agendized Board meetings. Is he correct? A:  As you probably know, in California the Brown Act governs meetings of “legislative bodies,” which usually includes advisory committees such as the one you describe, and would certainly cover meetings of the Water

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