Asked & Answered

A&A: Can An Agency Charge CPRA Fees for Staff Time Spent on Request?

Q: I received this response to a CPRA saying the agency wanted to charge for time to fill the request. The request deals with agency emails. Can the agency charge for time sifting through the emails and redacting? “The cost comes into reviewing each message in time, not necessary reproducing either in ‘hard copies’ or soft. We pride ourselves in customer service and being responsive to the records request. However, we are a small staff and

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A&A: CPRA Request Denied Citing “Invesitgatory Files” Exemption

Q:  I made a CPRA for the Complaint report filed against my mother’s daycare. The allegations were completely false and I have a report from the Dept. of Social Services stating the allegations are false and she has been completely cleared. The PRA Attorney for Dept of Social services has denied my request because of Gov Code Section 6254(F) and (C), he keeps citing “investigatory or security file.” I have stated that the allegations have

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A&A: Can Employment Records & Dismissal Be Presented in City Council Open Session?

Q: Recently a local City Counsel meeting was to be held as an open session to hear non-adopt arguments with regard to a proposed Administrative Law Judge’s (ALJ) decision to fully reinstate employment of a firefighter. My husband never received notice of the open session (hearing). Also, on the agenda it listed his full name and that at this open session there would not be any public comment allowed regarding what was being heard. Is this

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A&A: What Are the Rights and Restrictions of Photo-Journalists Covering Wildfires?

Q: Our newspaper’s staff photographer took photos/video of of flames engulfing a home during a massive fire in Northern California. Some of the photos were from a property that a nearby resident told him it would be okay to be on. Some were from the property of the home that was burning. The residents of the engulfed home are requesting I take down the photos. I tried to talk through this with them, but they are

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A&A: Does A Closed Session Employment Termination Decision Violate the Brown Act?

Q: After four years of service as the Library Director of the City’s Public Library, I found out yesterday that I am to be terminated from this position. The decision took place during a special meeting of the Library Board. I was at the meeting, but not invited to attend the closed session. The meeting was agendized as “Public Employee Evaluation—Library Director “ and made no mention of possible disciplinary action. I received no noice

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