Asked & Answered

A&A: Serial Meetings

Q: The question: Does the below discussion of their previous individual discussions constitute a serial meeting violation under the Brown Act? Member A left his council seat to become mayor, leaving the two-year remainder of his council term open. Member B and C were newly appointed to the council – they were council members ELECT at the time of supposed serial meeting. Member D has been on the council for two years. To fill the

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A&A: Right to Videotape School Board Meetings

Right to Videotape School Board Meetings Q: Yesterday, I videotaped a School District Board Meeting and I was under the understanding that citizens are allowed to videotape as specified under the Government Code Section 54954.3, the Brown Act. After the meeting, I was approached by two district personnel, one of them being the district superintendent. Both of them told me I could not videotape the meeting. The superintendent specifically said that her and the School

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A&A: Are the Board of Directors of our Apartment Complex subject to the Brown Act?

Are the Board of Directors of our Apartment Complex subject to the Brown Act? Q: We are a tenant association in which we have been encountering regular difficulty in dealings with our Board of Directors.  HUD subsidizes our apartment complex, and the Board of Directors was formed in 1967 to govern the running of this complex.  They also were given a regulatory agreement in a contract with HUD, since HUD insures the note of the

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A&A: Barring the Media from recording an Open Meeting

Q: Can a Home Owners Association Board of Directors prohibit a member of the press from recording the events during the open session of the monthly meeting in which the press was invited by a group of home owners? A: In response to your inquiry below, the threshold question is whether or not the home owners association you reference is subject to the California open meetings law, the Brown Act.  Under Government Code section 54952(c),

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A&A: Which Meetings are Governed by the Brown Act? Bagley-Keen Act?

Which Meetings are Governed by the Brown Act? Bagley-Keen Act? Q: Are relevant portions of the following meetings governed by the Brown Act (or the Bagley-Keen Act)?:  The board meetings of a nonprofit that a County Dept of Mental Health has contracted with to run a program which has been fully developed by the County Mental Health Department, when that board discusses such program?  The program was approved by the California Department of Mental Health

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