Asked & Answered

A&A: Mayor and University Official Meetings

Mayor and University Official Meetings Q: The mayors of four cities have formed a grouping of sorts and meet with the University chancellor & the director of the labs – this is not done in public — should it be done in public? A: Based on the circumstances you describe, I am unaware of any law that would require a meeting such as you describe to be public.  As you may know, California’s Brown Act

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A&A: District Hospitals and Closed Sessions

District Hospitals and Closed Sessions Q: The CEO and the COO for a District Hospital are provided to the Hospital by the management company that contracted with the district. The CEO and COO are being paid by the management company not by the Hospital or District. The CEO and COO are also the president and vice president of the management company. The District is about to have a closed session to evaluate the CEO and

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A&A: Agenda Item Descriptions

Agenda Item Descriptions Q: Is it a Brown Act violation for a School Board agenda to include an item on its agenda called “Board Discussion”?  I read 54954.2(b) An agenda must …shall state the meeting time and place and must contain “a brief general description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting, including items to be discussed in closed session…” to require a general description of the item to

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A&A: Special Meetings and Media Notice

Special Meetings and Media Notice Q: Regarding Special Meetings: Is the newspaper and/or radio station required to be noticed if a special meeting is called? A: The Brown Act provides that “[a] special meeting may be called at any time by the presiding officer of the legislative body of a local agency, or by a majority of the members of the legislative body, by delivering written notice to each member of the legislative body and

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A&A: City Council Action in Secret

Q: Our city’s fire chief is on medical leave.  I heard the city council approved a search for an interim fire chief several weeks ago, but it was not disclosed to our paper. Is it legal for the city council to approve a search without notifying the public? A: Under the Brown Act, a city council is not supposed to take any action in secret, except where the matter can be discussed in closed session, and

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