Asked & Answered

A&A: How Can I Overturn A Decision Made By City Council Without Notifying Residents?

Q: I am looking for some direction in guidance in trying to overturn a street rezoning project completed without authorization, research, or notification to residents with major impact on safety and infringing my rights as an individual. Can you help? A: It is not clear from the facts you have given how this particular street project was initiated or approved. Presumably, the Public Works Department was acting pursuant to a vote of the city council,

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A&A: How Do I Determine If The Documents I Need Are Accessible By Making A CPRA Request?

Q: I’m researching uses of force with the LA County Probation Department at juvenile halls and had questions about what kind of information is public vs. private.  A: Making a request for records under California’s Public Records Act would be a natural starting point in your search.  Under California’s Public Records Act, “‘[p]ublic records’ includes any writing containing information relating to the conduct of the public’s business prepared, owned, used, or retained by any state or

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A&A: I Am The Victim of A Crime. Does the CPRA Allow Me Access Police Reports on the Incident?

Q: I reported a crime against my property. I am the victim. The report covered up the crime by identifying me as an Informant. What are my legal rights under Public Records Act to get copies of the reports if I am the victim? A: I am sorry to hear that you were the victim of a crime.  Unfortunately, police investigatory records are exempt from disclosure under the Public Records Act under Government Code § 6254(f),

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A&A: What Are Newsgathers’ Rights Regarding Private Homes Involved in Major Wildfire Area?

Q: I got a question about legal right (protected by First Amendment or any other Constitutional law) for our reporter here in California to gather news (pictures, videos) being on the private property during a recent major wild fire. We have all permissions from local authorities to gather news in a nearby burned out town (they let us in the closed area), and how we understand, we have all right to take pictures on the

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A&A: How Can I Sue A Newspaper for Defamation?

Q: I would Like to know how I sue a newspaper for defamation. Or if not the newspaper, then the editor? A:The First Amendment Coalition does not encourage nor promote lawsuits against newsgatherers.  The First Amendment provides strong protections to news organizations and others that publish information, and defamation claims in particular are difficult to prove.  Defamation, which is also sometimes referred to as libel or slander, is the general term for a legal claim

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