Asked & Answered

JPA/private company partnership and the CPRA?

JPA/private company partnership and the CPRA? Q: If a city formed a joint powers association with a private company, is this joint powers association subject the California Public Records Act? Can any member of the public get access to the records if the records are kept by the private company? A: Joint powers associations (JPA) formed pursuant to the Joint Exercise of Powers Act are entities subject to the California Public Records Act. Thus, the

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Investigative files and the CPRA

Investigative files and the CPRA Q: I am a newspaper reporter fleshing out a book about a child abduction from a few years back. The minor child was later found dead, and the perpetrator recently pleaded guilty and was sentenced for the crime in a California court. The case is closed.Now, the investigating police agency is refusing to answer my calls or put me in touch with key investigators who are now retired.My question: What

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Obtaining investigative files

Obtaining investigative files Q: I would like to obtain a copy or view a surveillance video that a police department confiscated during the investigation of a fatal-officer involved shooting. The video was shot at a liquor store and should show a man shot by police officers. Do I have any legal support in obtaining or viewing the footage? A: It is unlikely that the police agency will release, or allow you to see, the surveillance

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Obtaining names of individuals involved in an incident

Obtaining names of individuals involved in an incident Q: A County Sheriff’s Department has put a number of detention deputies on paid administrative leave after an altercation with an inmate, resulting in the inmate’s death. Is it possible to obtain the names of the detention deputies involved? A: You should be able to get the names of the officers, although you may not be able to get the investigative reports themselves. Police officers’ personnel files

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Guardian access to juvenile case files

Guardian access to juvenile case files Q: A mother has lost her children to the state and all 4 are separated. One child is now a legal adult. The mother does not know how to get all the paperwork and court records she had years back while the case was open. She needs the case number and the reports in juvenile records. How does she acquire these court records or a copy of the case?

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