Asked & Answered

Records with the names of citizens and non-citizens

Records with the names of citizens and non-citizens Q: I want to ask for some guidelines about the law (I am not sure if it is a law or not) that protects the names of illegal immigrants that are convicted in the U.S. of violent crimes. I want to have guidelines about which one is the story here, I want to know why this is different between illegal immigrants and American Citizens? I know that

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Access of relatives to murder investigation files

Access of relatives to murder investigation files Q: Do I have access to my sister’s unsolved 1977 murder investigation files and if any DNA profile was done? A: Under the California Public Records Act (“CPRA”), documents maintained by state and local agencies are presumed to be public records unless the documents in question fall under one of the enumerated exemptions to disclosure.  Based on the information you have provided, it is likely that some of

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Missing persons report and the CPRA

Missing persons report and the CPRA Q: I plan on submitting a public records request for a missing persons report that was filed with a police department. The individual filed as a missing person was found dead a day later. Is such a record public, when it could possibly be evidence in a murder investigation? Such a report is filed with a police department with the knowledge that it becomes public. A: Missing persons reports

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Minutes deadline

Minutes deadline Q: Does a City have a timeframe within which it must provide a record (minutes) of Council Meetings?  I am having difficulty in obtaining (being allowed to inspect) minutes from 3 months ago? The city indicates they are not “ready.” A: The minutes of an open meeting subject to the Brown Act, which applies to the meetings of legislative bodies of local agencies, are public records and therefore subject to inspection by the

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Juvenile Dependency proceeding records

Juvenile Dependency proceeding records Q: In 1978-79, I contacted Child Protective Services on my own behalf regarding abuse in my home.  I was placed foster care while the case went to trial.  My understanding from my social worker was that my father pled guilty and was convicted.  I am attempting to locate copies of a criminal case. I’ve been told that the records within the Child Protective Services are sealed completely, that even the victim

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